2B Pitt Street, Dunedin North, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand

Skin Lesion Removal Surgery: Types, Causes, and Treatment

Our clinic offers specialised skin lesion removal surgery for those seeking expert care for skin lesions. Focusing on precise diagnosis and tailored treatment, our dermatologic surgeons provide comprehensive care for various skin lesions.

Skin lesions are changes in your skin that has an abnormal appearance or growth compared to the skin around it. 

Primary skin lesions are abnormal skin conditions that are present at birth or acquired over a person’s lifetime.

Secondary skin lesions are the result of irritation or manipulation of the skin.

In addition to medical treatment for common skin lesions we treat selected skin lesion with visible light therapy. Discuss with Dr Sharma for further information and the cost for light therapy.

There are many different types of skin lesions, some of which include:​

  1. Macules: These are flat, small spots on the skin with distinct color changes. Examples include freckles and moles.

  2. Papules: These are small, solid, elevated bumps on the skin. Acne pimples are a common example of papules.

  3. Nodules: Larger and deeper than papules, nodules are firm lumps beneath the skin’s surface. They can be associated with conditions like cystic acne.

  4. Pustules: Pustules are similar to papules but contain pus at their center. They are often seen in conditions like acne or folliculitis.

  5. Vesicles: These are small, fluid-filled blisters. Examples include chickenpox blisters and the blisters seen in herpes.

  6. Bullae: Bullae are larger, fluid-filled blisters, typically caused by burns, friction, or various skin diseases.

  7. Plaques: These are raised, flat-topped areas on the skin that are larger than papules. Psoriasis often presents with plaques.

  8. Ulcers: Open sores or craters in the skin that may be caused by injury or underlying medical conditions.

  9. Erosions: Superficial loss of the skin’s top layers.

  10. Excoriations: These are scratches or abrasions on the skin, often self-inflicted.

  11. Petechiae: Tiny red or purple spots caused by bleeding beneath the skin’s surface.

  12. Ecchymosis: Larger areas of bleeding under the skin, resulting in bruising.

Skin lesions can be a sign of various skin conditions or even systemic diseases. It’s essential to monitor any changes in your skin and consult a healthcare professional if you notice new or concerning lesions, as early detection and treatment can be crucial in managing skin conditions or identifying underlying health issues. Dermatologists are specialists who diagnose and treat various skin lesions and conditions.